Private events

If you’ve reached this page, then you may be interested to learn that Peter also sings around the UK at various events including weddings, dinner parties, charity events, Proms-in-the-Park and Christmas events. He has, for instance, sung solely for a Russian oligarch and his wife at their birthday dinner in the gatehouse of Edinburgh castle.

He is worldwide known for his rendition of the song ‘We’re walking in the air’ as it is his voice that can be heard on the animation The Snowman. He sings this (listen below) as well as many other popular numbers, such as Nessun Dorma, and can team up with other singers(as in the Boheme duet) to give your event the bespoke performance you require.

Leave a message on the contact page to hire his services.

"Peter was great to work with and we’ve had numerous people give wonderful feedback to his performances."

‘’Our Charity felt very privileged to have hosted this event in the magical setting of Thornton Manor...such magnificent performances from Peter, Verity and Charlotte’’

‘’Congratulations on your performance at the Proms. We’re all still talking about it.’’